Monday, February 14, 2011

The Many Hats We Wear

For the last week and a half, VEM has been conducting intern interviews. Yes, after four years we have an official intern program off the ground. There are some really great candidates out there; young energetic people looking for a truly hands-on experience, which we can definitely provide. As with a typical interview, we leave it up to candidate to ask any questions they may have at the end of the interview. One of the most common questions asked is “What is a typical day like?” This question really got me thinking. While it’s cliche to say that no day is alike, I believe this especially rings true within VEM.

Andrew and I often get a good laugh about the many different responsibilities we have. We are not only involved in the logistics of the event, but we are also hands-on when it comes to the marketing, public relations, customer service, technical support, and the many other aspects associated with event production.

Andrew and I are both pretty confident that the participant calling with questions about an event has no idea that we are driving a bobcat in the middle of a pasture or standing in 18 inches of mud, while they ask “Do you think I will be able to do a Mudathlon?” I'm also sure most participants believe the informational email about the upcoming event was written from the comforts of an office as opposed to the backseat of a car or at an event site. Or for that matter, the author of the email is not the same person who deals with trash crews and port-o-let companies (not that there is anything wrong with that). When a detailed participant lets us know that our website has incorrect information (which we do appreciate), they don’t realize that the update was not done by a marketing person sitting at World Headquarters, but rather by one of us who makes the update from whereabouts unknown.

It’s life at a small company, doing what is needed to get the job done. If the time ever came to start looking for a new position, I'm not sure how we would fit it all on a resume: Event Production, Logistical Planning, Marketing, Public Relations, Customer Service, Graphic Design, Mapmaking, Technical Support, Accountant, Office Manager, Human Relations...the list goes on and on. The great part about it is, each day involves at least half of those tasks!

So when a candidate asks about a typical day, I really don’t have any idea where to begin to explain. I usually respond by saying “That’s a great question. I guess the best way answer that is to expect the unexpected.” How's that for an answer?